Wednesday 2 December 2015

365 Days of Art: Collaboration Art

287. Collaboration Art

Although the deadline of November 29th, which I set for myself, has already passed I'm still continuing to create pictures based around themes from my 365 Days of Art list. Today's image is based around theme number 287 - "Collaboration Art". My very creative friend Kei and I used this stock photo by Fernando Cortes as a reference image, split it into ten sections and each drew five of them.

The image below shows which sections we each did (Kei did the yellow areas, I did the green):

We didn't see each other's sections until they were all finished and we didn't know which colours or styles the other was going to use either. It was fun to work on and I think the end result looks pretty good! :)


  1. I find it REALLY GREAT actually :).
    Nice collaboration. I am glad you had fun working on it together <3!! :D



☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you...&...