Sunday, 2 August 2015

Rose Chafer Beetle Brunch

Rose Chafer Beetle chomping on some brunch
Occasionally, when in my garden, I happen upon these stunning little metallic emerald and bronze beetles gleaming out at me from in amongst the flowers. They've always piqued my curiosity, as I've never been quite sure which type of beetle they are and they're both adorable and fascinating to watch.

Adorable face
Fortunately, a lovely little fellow decided to seat himself on a rose and then dined on its pollen for a good portion of the afternoon - yes, I had time to watch a beetle for a good portion of the afternoon! So, with the help of the website Safari UK I was able to identify this one as a rose chafer beetle (Cetonia aurata). 

Tentatively extending a wing
I also videoed the beetle for a short while, during which time there were other insect inhabitants milling around, as well as visitors buzzing in briefly. Please excuse the background noise and low quality video.

Additional images after the jump below:

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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