Sunday 2 October 2016

Inktober & No. 14 of 365 Days of Art - 'Mr. Cimim'

14. Design a character based on an animal/mythical creature
This year, I decided to participate in InkTober, a yearly event in which you do an ink drawing for everyday for the month of October. I don't usually draw in pen and ink, but wanted to take it as an opportunity to improve this year. 

Yesterday, was the first day and I chose to also incorporate it into the 365 Days of Art challenge that I have going on this blog. This one is for number 14, "Design a character based on an animal/mythical creature"; I chose owls and mimic birds. I used fineliners between 0.1 - 0.7mm (in black, red and blue), a black 2mm fineliner (for thick lines and the background), and a silver rollerball pen for highlights. 

This is Mr, Cimim. He's an unusual, man-like creature, with bird talons for feet, four eyes, and a beak for a nose. He lives in The Forest of Unknown Visions and disguises himself with bird feathers and the head of a giant horned owl. He also constructs wings made of mimic bird feathers and spiderwebs, as he is able to absorb some of the attributes of each of the animals he clothes himself with. 

Mr. Cimim feeds exclusively on the one-eyed laughing snakes that live within the depths of The Forest of Unknown Visions. He lures them with mimicked songs that charm them up from the darkness, before striking them with his talons and ensnaring them within his sticky web wing. 

He then closes his second set of eyes and hypnotises the other snakes with the blue pigment and cloud reflections in his top set, ensuring that he is not bitten. Then he is free to extend his 20m long, scaly  legs legs down to the forest floor and calmly stalk away.

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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