Saturday, 17 March 2018

101 in 1001 - Make Something Out of Snow

Creepy the Snow Duck
Where I live, it hardly ever snows and when it does it rarely settles. However, over the past few weeks the weather here has been a little unusual and we've had a cold snap, bringing with it a blanket of snow.

Originally, I had intended to go to Dartmoor in order to achieve the 101 in 1001 goal:
  • 085. Make a snowman/something out of snow
But this gave me the opportunity to make a little snow duck (pictured at the top), complete with grapes for eyes, in my own back garden. (Honestly, I'd just come back from the hospital that day, so I didn't really feel like trekking out to the moors anyway). 

The snow was very powdery, but I managed to construct my creepy little duck bit by bit!

My friend was taking the photos of me making him, but didn't take one from the side, and I also forgot to take one when I was finished. So the only completed photo I have is the first one in this post, which makes Creepy look a bit like a flat pancake duck, even though he was 3D. Nevermind - this goal is still complete!

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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