Saturday 28 May 2016

Surprise Boxed Book and Villainy

The letterzine
Yesterday I received a box in the post, with a bright green question mark outlined in purple, on the outside. Naturally, I recognised this as the symbol of The Riddler in the Batman/DC universe, as he's one of my favourite characters. However, as I don't live in Gotham, I had to assume that it wasn't in fact a parcel from Edward Nigma/Nygma. What do you mean he's just a fictional character? I should probably be thankful about that, haha. (There were also little purple umbrellas outlined in green on another part of the box, but I forgot to photograph those. Of course, it wasn't from The Penguin either though, just in case you were wondering :P). It made me smile!

Anyway, since a friend of mine, Kei (she blogs at Unfortunately Oh! & Doing a Thing. You should take a look!) recently got into the TV show 'Gotham' - I definitely didn't have anything to do with that - and has a tendency to make things look pretty, I was fairly certain it was from her. When I opened the box, I was greeted by a letterzine. featuring an apple with eyes, a Monty Python-style hand, a lovely statue, and some beautiful scenery on the cover.

Inside, every page was filled with interesting facts, pictures, stories, riddles, song lyrics, recommendations, quotations, and little notes from my friend, too!
You can see some sample pages near this text.

This is the second letterzine that   Kei has sent me; the first one was just as wonderful! However, she added an apple to the second one, so I have to like this one a little more. ;D

Both letterzines

Underneath the letter, there was a little trove of yet more wrapped-up treasures donning neon green question marks!

There was an array of varied lovely things contained inside. Plus, each little parcel wasn't sealed with tape or anything like that, so I didn't have to rip the paper, which made me happy! (I have a strange dislike of ripping the paper open on presents if I can avoid it). 


I named the two monster puppets in the bottom left Oswald & Edward, because one is red with a purplish tinge and the other is a sort of green colour. And because they're villains. :P

One of the presents was giant pencil made from the twig of a tree, but it isn't in the picture above. Do you know why? This is why:

I told you, they're V I L L A I N S.

My friend sent me villains in a box. Thanks, friend!
Perhaps I shall have to reciprocate the favour and send some little villains back to her sometime soon!

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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