Monday 2 January 2017

365 Days of Art: A door to somewhere else...

301. A door to somewhere else.

As I haven't written here for a while, I thought I'd resume posting with another drawing towards the 365 Days of Art challenge. This is for theme number 301, "a door to somewhere else", which I drew on paper using fineliners. It probably would have looked better scanned, rather than just photographed, but that isn't what I did. So apologies if some of the details are a little blurred.


  1. This is a really interesting picture. There's so much detail! It must have taken forever to draw everything! I like how the 'room' is in black and white, whilst the scene through the door is in colour, and all the little things around the door.

    1. Thank you :) It took me about 3 or 4 hours (just doing that without stopping), mostly because of drawing all the little circles, haha.


☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you...&...