Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Inktober Day 12 & 365 Days of Art - Something in Purple, Blue & Grey

Inktober Day 12 & Something using only purple, blue, and grey
I haven't been posting the drawings I've been doing for Inktober over the past few days, so this is the first of a bunch of catch up posts. This particular one is for Day 12 and also for the theme "Something using only purple, blue and grey" on my 365 Days of Art list. It's of a character called Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin from the TV show Gotham, as he tends to wear/appear around those colours (and also he's a character I really like in the show). It doesn't look much like him, and turned out fairly rubbish in general because my hand/brain decided not to cooperate with each other that day, but oh well. Onto the next one! :)


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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you......