Thursday, 11 December 2014

365 Days of Art: . Something Green, Western European Myth, Alpha. Beta. Delta. Gamma. (Theta)

58: Something Green

Here are the next three pieces from the 365 Days of Art challenge that I set myself. This update is a little behind the original deadline (December 6th), but oh well! You can see the other half of this week here.

83: Western European Myth (Krampus)

341: Alpha. Beta. Delta. Gamma. (Theta).

The next week of the challenge should be completed by the 13th, and I'm more than halfway done with the first picture already. The random numbers of the themes for this week were half chosen by a friend of mine, and half by a random number generator:

53. The Sun and the Moon.
67. Winged creature.
76. Werewolf.
106. Yourself as the opposite gender.
154. Iridescence.
315. The five senses.
333. Someone lying down.

See you in a few days with another update! :)


  1. Those are awesome ^_^ My fave of this set is the one of Krampus :) Hope you're having fun with your art challenge!

    1. Thank you☆ The one of Krampus is my favourite too; child-stealing half-goat demon love! Haha ^^


☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you......