Saturday, 3 January 2015

365 Days of Art: A Witch

144. A Witch
As the first one of today's 365 Art projects was very quick, I decided to add another quick one as well. This time, it was done in charcoal, pen, and coloured pencils. Her arms are quite disproportionate and her hat is wonky, but I like her eyes.

Next up on my 356 Days of Art list:
3. Choose your favourite possession. Make a monster out of it.
36. Free draw.
56. Something with hair.
68. Satyr.
71. Chevron.
92. Extreme happiness.
242. Presents.

1. The last meal you ate
52. A room.
93. Group of female monsters.
223. Glasses.
239. A connection between people.
260. Underwater Eden.
293. A weapon.

13. A picture using only a pair of complimentary colours.
73. African myth.
138. Behind the hidden bookcase...
144. A witch.
216. Ice cream flavours.
317. Cycles.
321. Nest.


  1. I like her arms, they look long and skinny and Jack Skellington-like! Anyway, she looks awesome.
    The background must have taken ages!

    1. Thank you ^^
      If I'd done her arms the same but in proportion with each other at least, I wouldn't have minded lol (Her right arm is much bigger than her left).
      The background is just a bunch of spirals, so even though it took a while, it was kind of hypnotic and relaxing by the end!


☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you......