Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tea for Tuesday: English Tea Shop Chocolate Super Berry Burst

English Tea Shop Super Berry Burst
Today's Tea for Tuesday post comes courtesy of my fabulous & creative friend Kei (Doing a Thing and Unfortunately Oh!), who sent me a rather lovely package of items out of the blue, some of which happened to be various types of caffeine-free tea. Hurrah! The tea in question is Chocolate Super Berry Burst from the English Tea Shop; I'd never tried chocolate tea before, so that's a bonus!

The smell of the infusion was highly chocolatey with a hint of vanilla, which was pleasant but slightly confusing to my senses (evidently, my brain didn't want to associate the smell of chocolate with a cup of tea!). The colour of the tea began at the orangey red colour in the photo above and arrived at a deep reddish brown by the end of its five minutes of brewing. It was actually a really pretty colour.

Looking at the list of the list of ingredients on the back of the packet (organic rooibos, organic hibiscus, organic roasted cocoa pieces, organic licorices, organic vanilla pods, organic raspberry concentrate, organic blackcurrant and organic pomegranate conentrate, with natural chocolate, strawberry and raspberry flavours), I wasn't entirely sure what the flavour would be like. It was, in fact, somewhere between the taste of chocolate and Turkish Delight, or at least what I remember TD tasting like during my childhood. In any case, the combination was not unpleasant and has a good balance of sweet, bitter and fruit hits.

Another new tea and another one I'd have again - great! :D

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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