Wednesday, 25 June 2014

100 Happy Days: Day 34 - Splendid, Salacious Speed-Paint Sketch

My dear friend, The Aubergine Princess, completed this gorgeous sketch in around half an hour, and my Happy Day was made by being the first person to see it when it was completed! The picture above is a photo of my screen, but I've included the original below, just to display it properly.

Untitled by The Aubergine Princess


  1. Wow that looks seriously awesome. And only 30 mins work? I take off my mini-hat to The Aubergine Princess!

    1. Yeah, I really admire this kind of talent. I'm so slow! Haha


☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


365 Days of Art: I don't know you...

205. I don't know you... This is the latest picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge, number 205: "I don't know you......